
Fuji Matsuri Coming soon !! ''ASHIKAGA FLOWER PARK ''

[The Great Wisteris Festival 2016]


Event Dates / 16April(sat)~22May(sun)

018bd8a36b60777c84de9c78ffff28ae_lMost Beauiful wisteria in the world ! !  Wisteria = Fuji

img_0Over 350 wisteria trees and 5000 azerias in full bloom in ” FUJI MATSURI 2016”

flowers-367444_960_720cdcca906181ab7ccc904d2236f5787bd_l150 years old Great Wisteria

In full bloom around late April -early May , Move your eyes across the variety of colors.


Come and see the Great wisteria over 150 years old which spreads over a 600 tatami trellis area , as well as the 80m long many kind of colores  wisteria tunnel.

22_05_08%20足利フラワーパークの白い藤のトンネルー1White wisteria

You can enjoying Beautiful Naturl Monument 80m long white wisteria tunnel.

IMG_6167Kibana wisteria

The 80m Kibana wisteria tunnel is only one here  ” ASHIKAGA FLOWER PARK ” in Japan .

20150503230308The charming beautiful wisteria at night, inviting you to another world.

yakei_022Pale red wistria

Enjoy it Dazzilig cherry blssom-colored wisteria in the night.


[The Great wisteria Festival 2016 in ASHIKAGA FLOWER PARK ]

Event dates: From 16 April (Sat) to 22 May (Sun)

Hours: 7:00am ~ 18:00pm , 21:00pm~during lghting up period.

Admmission fees: Adults 900-1,700yen, children 500-800yen

Lighting up period: From 23 April (Sat) to 15 May (Sun)

Night dmmission hours: 17:30pm ~21:00pm

Website: http://www.ashikaga.co.jp

Fuji Matsuri Coming soon !! ''ASHIKAGA FLOWER PARK ''

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